Monday, October 11, 2010

Pregnant people freak me out

I don't what it is really, or where exactly it began. Is it the grotesque distended belly, looking like a tie-dye punch balloon about to pop? The threat of over population? My drinking habit coupled with a bad short-term memory? No, my friends. It's because there is a living thing inside of these people controlling their minds, their every move, their every feeling. I'm talking about Telepathic Fetuses. Seriously, I saw it on an episode Angel once. You know the one where Cordelia has a one-night-stand and wakes up 9-months pregnant with some alien-worm-baby-thing? I think it's Season 1...

I would have said pregnant women, but that would be sexist. And I forgot about this classic of modern cinema.

Renewed Vows

I realize I've kinda forgotten about this blog. I started it as some sort of outlet that allows for a bit more creativity than facebook status updates like "Goddam I'm hungover!" or "Did you know that Canada has dozens of different pickle varieties?" and so on. Well no more will MHCTR fall by the wayside. No sir, I'm going to prove to that world that I can produce just as much useless drivel as anyone else! I'm official renewing my vows. On national Coming-Out day no less. Anyway, this is the 1st picture that google images gave me when I typed in "Renewed Vows". Some fame-whores and their bastard children, which actually brings me to my next post...