Monday, April 12, 2010

Make-up-a-band-name Week

These are the results from my impromptu facebook make-up-a-band-name week!:

Day 1: Cashmere Spaceship

Liquid Snobunny
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
Savory Intuition

Day 2: Red Wonder Button

Wonder Gaga
Darth Panda
Jesus Crisis
Ruby Shower
British Lady's Cougar Club

Day 3: Sugar Hair

China Smog and the Rolling Crystal Shards
The Scootacks
Saltine Cracker
Butthole Klondinke Explorer
SHY = Sex Hungry Youngsters
The Buttles
the Telltale Dimming
20 Dollar Guitar
Turnip River Altar Vixens = TRAV
Colon Flow

Day 4: Armada of Omens

Balls Warrior 5
Petal to the Metal
Saigon Suicide Squad
Broken Spokes
Vulture Wing

Day 5: Voices Flying East

Pantoum of Patusan

Day 6: Busboy

Busboy Safari
Safari Busboy

Day 7: Astro Bear

Wordsworth Returna
My Algae is Awkward


  1. Jesus, god. These are some really great names brother! Now all you need to do is have a band to use them with. I thought "Goat in a Wheelchair" was pretty spectacular! I'm working on a project with my friend, and might have to steal "Jesus Crisis." Loving it!

  2. I left out a few old ones like "Goat in a Wheelchair". There was also "Cereal Fruit Juice Lesbians"(taken from a shopping list written by Russell),"Ghosts of Roses", "Virgin Moon Scratchers", "Girl Pile", and "Stunt Groom" to name a few. Also, J.C. Bell's infamous "Drunk Cheerleaders", Peter's "Orange", or our very own "The 86ers"

  3. Oh good god. I just remembered Peter's "Orange." If only that band would have come together, he could have made some serious dough.
